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Datasite Structure

A Datasite has 2 components:

  • the SyftBox/ directory
  • the SyftBox client

If your client is running, your datasite is online, otherwise it's offline.

Directory structure

The file structure of your datasite resembles this diagram:

├── apps
├── datasites
├── logs
└── plugins

apps directory

The apps directory contains all your installed Apps. This is the only place where SyftBox looks for what Apps to run.


See the "How to install Apps" guide for more details on installing Apps.

datasites directory

The datasites directory contains the synced files of all the Datasites on the SyftBox network (including yours), according to their permissions.


You can only see the files for which you have a read permission, either implicitly or explicitly (see Syft Permissions).


See the "Add your data to the SyftBox Network" for more details on adding your files to the network with appropriate permissions.

logs directory

The logs directory contains log files where the SyftBox client dumps all logs.


A new file is created whenever you start your SyftBox client, so you may see multiple timestamped log files:

├── syftbox_1739361175.log
├── syftbox_1739367912.log
├── syftbox_1740408432.log
├── syftbox_1740680561.log
├── syftbox_1741256290.log
└── syftbox_1741354116.log

plugins directory

The plugins directory is designed for plugins that extend the functionality of SyftBox.


Currently, plugins integrations are still in development 🚧

We'll update the documentation as soon as they are ready!